Doubles Practice

We encourage all juniors and adults to play as much doubles as possible. Although doubles and singles are seen as almost entirely different sports, they do both compliment each other significantly. You are forced to come in to the net more in doubles and in turn practice your volleys, approaches, smashes, passing shots and lobs a little more than you might get the chance to in singles.

There is probably a little less pressure put on doubles matches by juniors, therefore they are not so scared to lose. In Hong Kong, where there has always been a problem of juniors being too scared to improve, the idea of more doubles matches could prove to be a fantastic means of moving forwards and putting the hard-earned training skills into game situations.

This year we plan on implementing the following doubles programmes:

  • Tue-Fri 8-10am and 10-12am Ladies clinics.
  • Wed and Friday nights 8-10pm Men’s Doubles.


Juniors will be encouraged to play doubles during all group sessions.

In addition, we will be holding doubles tournaments on Sundays for juniors and perhaps adults in the future.

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